Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome, February

February, along with January, was introduced onto the Roman calendar by Numa Pompilious when the calendar was extended from ten to twelve months. The word February comes from the word 'februa' - which means cleansing or purification, and reflects the rituals undertaken before Spring.
 The Romans and the Celts regarded February as the start of spring. Other names for February: 

The Anglo Saxons called February 'Sol-monath' (cake-month), because cakes were offered to the gods during that month. February was also known to the Saxons as 'sprout-kale' from the sprouting of cabbage or kale.
 Having only 28 days in non-leap years, February was known in Welsh as 'y mis bach' - the little month. 

In Shakespeare's time, the second month of the year was called 'Feverell'. In Isaac Newton's time one hundred years later it had become 'Februeer'. The modern name, February, is only about a hundred years old.

Endnote: From station WMPT’s “Tea Times” newsletter. The statue is of Numa Pompilious, second king of Rome.

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