Sunday, February 26, 2012

This I Believe

This I believe.  A grateful loving heart is the key measure of a life well lived.  In fact, I believe it is the only relevant one.   In a lovely poem by e.e. cummings, the poet rejoices:

  i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth

Love transcends all else.  And, gratitude is her handmaiden.  This is where it begins.  Gratefulness makes things happen.  It is the key to joy.   Brother David Steindl-Rast, an eighty six year old Benedictine monk who through his books, lectures and participation in the global Gratefulness for Living Network ( has brought spiritual depth to countless souls, describes faith as “radical trust in life and in the Source of life,” the opposite of fear.  He says to be grateful is to entrust yourself to life, much as you entrust yourself to water when you swim.   Trusting life helps you let go of fear.  When you trust life, you become open to surprise (hope).   Hope allows us to be attentive and see the gift in what life actually throws at us, even when it is not what we expected.

I didn't find this truth until later middle age. A near fatal pulmonary embolism uncovered an aggressive autoimmune disease. Three major hospitalizations, the last in a psychiatric unit, pushed me to the precipice, to choose life or death. I was given the grace to choose life and during a long recovery it became clearer and clearer that my dark night of the soul (and body) was a very great gift, indeed. The focus of my life had been on material things, achievement and acclaim in my chosen career, wealth, and earthly security. Now, I have none of these, but have never felt more happy and fulfilled. Letting go was surprisingly easy; I was ripe for it. Dealing with a progressive disease brought me to the heart of acceptance and the kindred souls I continue to meet on this journey illuminate my path.

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