Monday, November 30, 2009

Blake's Vision

Two paired clouds in a crystalline sky

Enormous billowing pennons

Remind me of Blake’s vision of two angels watching

Watching over Christ entombed

Their wings are outsized and touching above his body

The sacred triangle formed speaks to me of triune Divinity

Christ at the base ever near to us in the earthly realm

The angels are Spirit, vehicles of enfolding grace

Source fills the interior, drawing in and unifying all

To be ‘seen’ only through the eyes of unconditional love

Winter Brook, a Haiku

Small brook in winter

Rocks, debris, flooding, drying

Metaphor for life

Friday, November 27, 2009

Crow Morning, a Tanka 11/27/09

Crows greet the morning

Floating gracefully downward

Through autumn’s lowering clouds

A chugging small plane intrudes

Paltry by comparison

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Grace, a Tanka 11/26/09

What is meant by grace?

The soul’s subtle whisperings

Of transforming love

In mundane situations

The transcendent is revealed

Endnote: Not too long ago I was checking out at the supermarket. A young mother with a sneezing bawling child was ahead of me. She had a very large order. Thoughts of contracting flu flooded my mind along with irritation at having to wait on line. In the parking lot we were parked next to each other in the handicapped section. I also noticed she had arthritis shoes on. As I started to load my car, she came over and helped me. Grace!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Avian Requiem 11/23/09

Mourn for the perennial harbingers of the seasons

Canadian geese no longer migrate

They have become opportunists

Finding sustenance in our ersatz ‘brave new world’

Mourn the loss of their evocative calls as they floated above us in graceful formations

Mourn as their implicit promise of nature’s renewal dies

We blame them for fouling this monument to expediency and greed

We liquidate them for our crimes

Habitat loss, pollution, global warming

We compound our depredations by arrogantly casting off our sacred mantle as guardians of the earth

Mourn for the future generations betrayed

Late November Song, a Haiku 11/22/09

Lone cricket chirping

Autumn’s hopeful farewell song


King of the Road 11/22/09

An octogenarian vagabond, my father

Traversing the North American continent alone in both directions

His steed is his automobile

No itinerary, no motel reservations, no calls home

His joyful Whitmanesqe spirit

Relishing life as he enthusiastically sings to her

Yes, yes, I am the King of the Road!

Endnote: This poem is dedicated to the memory of my father, a true King of the Road, and to my favorite niece, Karen, who loved her Pom. His journey reminds me of this verse from Goethe: Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Speed Dial 11/21/09

Eating, walking, driving, etc
Cell phones are ubiquitous
People are wired to each other
Yet not connected
Alienation takes many forms

Misty Morning, a Haiku 11/21/09

Soft misty morning
Autumn’s suffusing mantle
My inward journey

Friday, November 20, 2009

God's Dreams 11/17/09

I once heard a poet describe clouds as God’s dreams

Large and billowy, long and slender, dark and ominous, infinite variety

Divine metaphors for our doubts, hopes, fears, and illusions

Revealed as transitory phenomena

Evanescing in the essence of pure sky

Endnote: This poem is dedicated to my sister, Joan, because it's one of her favorites.

Mandala of Compassion 11/17/09

In silence I gaze at the icon

With head deeply bowed

Everyman cradles the globe

First I see the figure as Jesus

Then I see myself and our human family as cradlers of the earth

Absorbed in a love wider than the universe itself

Endnote: The Compassion Mandala was created by Brother Robert Lentz. It is used by many as an icon in prayerful contemplation.

Wings 11/15/09

Two turkey vultures, magnificent wings fully extended

Soaring ever higher in a bright boundless sky

Embodiments of freedom and grace

On the ground large, ugly, ungainly creatures, out of their element

Metaphors for my illness

Physical limitations, pain, angst, despair

Ungainly earthbound birds with leaden wings

Transformed perceptions are soaring birds

Ascending ever higher into the brilliance of wholeness

Where I am unfettered and unbound

Winter Bliss, a Haiku 11/15/09

I welcome winter

Books, cats, tea - such is true bliss

Subtle joys abound

Cat Wars 11/15/09

A new companion appears

My Buddha cat objects

Machiavellian strategist, my Buddha cat

New stepbrother is in perpetual retreat

My Buddha cat has feet of clay (sometimes)

The Didge Brothers 11/15/09

Didgeridoo, O Didgeridoo

Not a child’s rhyme, but a transformative instrument

When the Didge Brothers play their ancient resonant tones

Hearts beat as one

We are transported to archetypal planes beyond words

Endnote: Dedicated to Joe Gentile, one of the Didgeridoo Brothers, and his partner, Jerry. Joe is a Didgeridoo Master, Renaissance man, friend and kindred spirit.

Prism 11/14/09

This human life is like a prism

In infancy we are pristine white light

As we grow, experience refracts our light

Many colors appear, dark and light

At the end of our journey we return to the original light, our eternal Source

Endnote: This poem is dedicated to my brother-in-law, Richard, a kindred spirit.

The Redhead 11/14/09

After days of wind and rain

A nearby tree has a full head of red leaves

She looks like a vibrant flaming redhead

Prepared for come what may

Greetings, my flamboyant teacher!

The Charter 11/13/09

Unconditional compassion, a truly revolutionary idea

A worldwide revolution has begun

The deepest of human longings has found a global voice at last

Wounded mother earth and her progeny rejoice

Endnote: The Charter for Compassion was unveiled on 11/12/09. Karen Armstrong was the initial motivating force. It espouses “honoring the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody without exception with absolute justice, equity and respect.” It endorses “refraining consistently and emphatically from inflicting pain.”

Microeconomics 11/13/09

My unemployed neighbor walking his dog

In recent days he walks alone

Victims of the economics of greed

As in all too many times past

The ‘quaint’ homespun virtues will prevail and sustain

Friday the Thirteenth 11/13/09

Lone raven glides across an ominous November sky

His acute vision takes in the bleak landscape beneath

Not an omen of dark things

Rather avatar of dormant fulfillment

At the Supermarket 11/13/09

Tentatively shuffling with trepidation

Young special needs folk grocery shopping

Some avert their eyes

Others quickly walk away

I whisper a prayer of deep gratitude

For these mirrors of the Divine

Endnote: This poem is dedicated to my extraordinary nephew and godson, Paul. He has been my special Mirror of the Divine all of his life.

Morning Alarms 11/12/09

Jumps, grunts, prods, wet kisses

Four legged feline marvels propel me into the new day

Time is fleeting

But first let’s eat

Cleaning Up After Jesus 11/12/09

Brother’s lifelong struggle

Illness eroding body, mind and spirit

Yet, there is a luminosity within

When deficits produce a ‘mess’

And irritation arises

I pray with gratitude

‘Cleaning up after Jesus again’

Endnote: This poem is dedicated to my brother, Jim, a noble soul on a noble journey.

City Slickers 11/12/05

Eager little sparrows on a wet shiny sidewalk

Darting between umbrella laden commuters

Ultimate city folk

Remembrance 11/12/09

In natural wonders and all the arts that speak to my soul

I see you, Mother

If one person remembers me thus

I will know that I have truly lived

Eating Meditation 11/12/09

Rain falling on the sodden grass

Bone-chilling November winds

Small grey squirrel perched on her hind legs

Holding a morsel in her hand-like paws

Intently scrutinizing her prize, savoring every bite, oblivious to the weather

Time pauses

The Pilgrim. a Haiku 11/12/09

Plump little dark bird

Plodding through the high wet grass

Lone pilgrim’s journey

Rainy Morning, a Haiku 11/11/09

Raindrops gently fall

Tiny orbs, myriad worlds

Dwelling in the Now

Namaste 11/11/09

Perched precariously on a traffic island

An elderly couple, panhandling

Quiet dignity and simple grace are theirs

Namaste, we are held in transcendent connection

A Cup of Tea 11/11/09

One of life’s subtle pleasures, tea

Soothing warmth, deep amber hue, evocative aroma

Conjure images of past delights and future dreams

Seductive libation, my senses eagerly yield

Endnote: This poem is dedicated to Joanie, soul mate, beloved sister, and tea connoisseur par excellence.

Buddha's Kiss 11/10/09

Ethereal touch of nose and whiskers

My Buddha cat kissed me

Heart communication transcends all bounds

Indian Summer 11/10/09

November’s warmth and mellowness

Earthy aroma of fallen leaves

Soft honey-hued light enfolding

Nature’s graceful respite

Endnote: The beginning of Indian Summer is generally considered to be November 11, St. Martin’s day. Some say the North American native peoples believed it was caused by a warm wind sent by their southwestern God, Cautantowwit (Old Farmer’s Almanac).

Bells of Compline 11/10/09

Cathedral bells announce the quiet hour

Day’s completion

Anchored in the night’s fullness

My silent prayer

Endnote: Written at the National Cathedral after evening centering prayer. Compline is the conclusion of the monastic day. Brother David Steindl-Rast tells us that this hour completes the circle of the day. It connects the end of the day to the end of earthly life itself, a time for self-examination and reflection. We celebrate the song’s words melting into silence, the silence from which they came.

Swirling Wonders 11/9/09

Swarm of bright birds

Swirling high in an autumn sky

Miraculous acrobats move as one

Unity in diversity

Endnote: In memory of Henry Beston and his transcendent book, The Outermost House. He spoke of animals never as inferiors but rather as “other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners in the splendour and travail of the earth.”

In Winter 11/9/09

Sterile season of icy muted hues

Is ageing like this?

No, refined perception reveals un-mined riches

Equanimity, quiet joy, and the grace of contemplation

Dis-ease 11/9/09

Progressive disease,

Proliferating crabgrass?

No, more akin to dis-ease,

A malady of the spirit

But, when perception changes

Wholeness beckons

The Labyrinth 11/9/09

Circuitous path, life’s journey

Every step a prayer

At the center, revelation

My end is my beginning

The Embrace, a Haiku 11/08/09

Cathedral of green

Trees reaching out to each other

Ancient wisdom enfolds me

Endnote: Despite unrelenting encroachment, trees continue to survive, even in the most inhospitable places. Notice how, in their ancient wisdom, they always reach out to each other as they have for millennia.

The "I" of the Storm 11/8/09

I, Mirror of the Divine,
Clouded by fears and doubts
Smeared with distorted perceptions
Stillness unveils the heart of love within

Endnote: The title of this poem is taken from a Unity book of the same name by Reverend Gary Simmons.

Soft Touch, a Haiku 11/7/09

Soft paws knead my chest
Two hearts beat in synchrony
Wordless communion

Angel of Vespers 11/7/09

Starless night, clarity in indigo
In the music of silence, serenity descends
My contradictions meld into wholeness
Beneath the blue robed angel’s wings

Endnote: The canonical hour of Vespers is the solemn celebration of sunset. It is the hour to let your heart rest in serenity and meditate in gratitude.

Morning Messengers 11/7/09

Six ravens circling an autumnal sky
Bleak harbingers of approaching winter
Or, prophets of transformation

Endnote: Seeing the crows this November morning, put me in mind of “Winter Solitude,” a painting of a lone raven in winter. The message is to seek to find the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary and to find the place of wholeness within.

Enlightenment 11/6/09

Cloudless sky, luminous autumnal sun
Crisp cool air, clear as the sky
Unity and wholeness
I am healed at depth

At the Threshold

Single withered leaf on a naked branch

Late autumn enfolding all

Threshold to deeper things