Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rabbit in the Grass

An early morning in summer
Sky clear but air heavy
In the dewy grass a lone rabbit feeds slowly, contentedly
in my back yard
My hunter cat notified me of his presence
I sipped my tea inside so as not to disturb him
I remembered when he was so small
he could fit into my tea cup
Now he is full grown, about the size
of a cat with beautiful light brown fur, large black eyes  and
ears so large they would give a hare pause

As I gazed at him, I recalled a similar morning 
some years ago when I was able to walk
I  was ambling along a nature trail when
I heard a piercing scream nearby
As I reached the area a falcon
was tearing apart a freshly caught rabbit 
Such things are part of nature's balancing act,
but they never cease to cut me to the heart 
Back in the kitchen I slowly pushed myself up
and began my small unsteady steps into
the living room, picked up purse and
car keys, and left for still another doctor's visit

A quick brutal death versus a painful lingering one 
If I had a choice, I think I would choose the former
No, I must take that back
Watching my body deteriorate slowly has
yielded priceless gifts of spirit

I now see with different eyes formed by 
It tore away at my ego, my false self, and
gave me a glimpse of my pristine true self 
My new eyes discerned  what the rest of my
life will entail,  despite the pain and myriad losses
Acceptance, compassion, and  the deep knowledge 
that I am truly loved 

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