Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Sufi message for November 11, 2011

Greetings on this day of 11/11/11

Truly anyone who has become selfless
has become everyone’s self:
when he is not in love with himself
he becomes loved by everyone.
A mirror clear of all images
is the most brilliant.
It purely reflects all images.

[Rumi: Mathnawi V: 2665. . .]

The Arabic calligraphic image, which we have been using for almost 30 years to represent the Threshold Society, is the double "Hu." "Hu" is the pronoun of Divine Presence. It's number is 11. Today we are celebrating Its Reality. The symmetrical presentation of the double Hu (11/11):

Hu uH

signifies the reciprocal reflection of the Divine and the human being.

Divine mirrors are everywhere. Holiness is in every particle of the universe. Split a log and it is there; turn over a rock and it is there. Look into another face with openness and love and the Divine face is there.

Knowing this, we might choose to begin every day by saying: Here I am. What do You want me to do today? How may I serve? How can I be aligned with Your will? How can I be a mirror that reflects Your Beauty?

We simply need to express our gratitude in every circumstance and ask the Divine for guidance and protection in every moment. That Grace is always available. Holiness is everywhere.

HU, Kabir & Camille

Note: The Sufis are the mystical branch of Islam. Rumi was their greatest poet.

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