Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sky Walk

Do you ever lose yourself in cloud thoughts?
Surrender to unfettered imaginings
of floating cities and giant causeways,
morphing into what?
Vastness of the Now
They transport us into timelessness
Do you ever feel it so?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


'Fulfilled life is possible despite
unfulfilled wishes'
What is a wish?
Not so easy to pin down
Ambition, intention, aspiration or prayer?
Perhaps a lesson

Endnote: quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Meditator

He sits serenely in full lotus posture
His enormous eyes closed
His muscular legs and great feet,
folded under like a swan's wings
Hands palms up
Delicate fingers pressed thumb to forefinger in
guyan mudra
Convey receptivity and calmness
In timeless fulfillment he dwells on
my bureau
My meditating frog
Gift from a kindred spirit
who reads my soul

Saturday, February 5, 2011


A body out of balance
A mind out of focus
A spirit bereft of resolution
Is equilibrium the key?
The tripod sits on ever shifting sands
There's the conundrum
Progressive disease defies equilibrium
Counterbalance becomes futile
Equipoise versus equilibrium
A subtle difference there -
Equal poise
Two pregnant words
To cherish a beleaguered body
To repose an unquiet mind
To acknowledge each of many losses
To honor them
To greet them as skillful teachers
Many poises abide in wholeness

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


On a dark winter's afternoon
A marmalade vision wafts
across my room
Like a bright butterfly that floats
upon summer's eolian veil
My feline guru's splendid tail
performs glissandos in recycled air
Gliding from one pitch to another
His myriad moods unfold
Insouciance, displeasure, pure bliss
Gestures as expressive as any silent movie
Body language more eloquent than words

Endnote: It' wonderful to post again. I've been dealing with a very nasty case of the shingles since before Christmas. Hence the hiatus.